Monday, January 25, 2010

Eight Ways To Successful Dieting

Written by Debbie Simpson

It's safe to say that most of us, at some point in our lives, are unhappy with our weight, appearance or body shape. Here are ten tips to successful dieting:

1. Goal setting:

Before you even start at any diet, decide what it is you want to do. For example, "I want to lose 5kg and get down to my goal weight" or " I want to start eating a healthy and balanced diet" or "I want to get back to my pre-pregnancy body".

Whatever your goal, make sure you set one and that it is realistic FOR YOU!

2. Educate yourself:

Do some research into diets and exercise plans and find out the healthy ways to diet and lose weight. Remember - you want a strategy that is long term, not just a quick fix!

3. Make a plan:

Many great exercise and diet regimes have come unstuck because we have unrealistic expectations on ourselves. Diet and exercise plans should be something that we can stick to in the long term. For example,  "I'm going to exercise 6 hours a day and follow "such and such" diet, as well as hold down a full time job, go out with friends, date and still have time for my hobbies" (by the way I think this might be a little unreasonable). 

Short term goals like "I'm going to do some form of exercise 3 times each week and cut out soft drink and chocolate bars" are more likely to be easier to follow and stick to.

4. Implement the plan:

Once you've set your goals and decided what you plan on doing, DO IT! You won't achieve anything by coming up with great ideas but never implementing them. As they say "actions speak louder than words".

5. Have a support network:

It's very hard making changes to your lifestyle without the support of others. Enlist the support of your family or friends. Make sure they encourage you to follow your plan. If you can find someone else who also has similar goals to you, work together to achieve them or join a support group for dieters.

6. Dealing with failure and set backs:

We all fall off the diet wagon at one time or another. If you do, get straight back on! Acknowledge where you have gone wrong and put it right. You may also have to re-assess your goals and plans and see if you set them too high. Unrealistic goals are one of the surest ways to fail. 

7. What to do once you achieve your goals:

DO NOT go back to your old lifestyle! Otherwise you WILL find yourself back at square one. Set some new goals such as "I want to maintain my current weight". Come up with a new plan for your new goals.

8. Reward yourself:

Make sure you give yourself a hefty pat on the back for succeeding in your plan. A reward, such as buying that article of clothing you've always wanted or treating yourself to a facial/massage are much more practical rewards than going out and pigging out on all the food you have denied yourself!

I hope these tips have been helpful for you. Good luck!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Creating a Successful Weight Loss Plan

By Michael W. Page

With the New Year already in full swing, people are now settling into the new daily routine and the excitement has finally died down. One of the aspects that you might want to change within your daily routine is weight loss. Often times people are always looking for a magic way to lose weight when in reality, the only thing that will get the job done is an effect weight loss plan.

There are a number of steps that you will need to take in order to see the proper weight loss results. The first one is obviously going to be putting down your weight loss goal. If you have a number that you have thought about day in and day out, write it down and start putting that plan into action. Many people write down the number in a journal but do not take affirmative action.

Once you have figured out your weight loss goal, the next step in your weight loss planning is to figure out when you want to lose your weight. If you have a significant amount of weight to lose you need to remember that you should not lose more than 2 pounds on average per week. You should not be losing more than 10 pounds per month so make sure to factor this in when making a timeline. Write down each significant weight loss mark and follow that.

Eating a healthy diet is not going to be as difficult as you might think. Sit down and write out what you eat on a daily basis today and then start to factor in more healthy choices. Rather than that candy bar, pick up an apple or a granola bar. Making healthier choices is only going to allow you to feel full and energized all day long. Write down this type of diet with your weight loss plan.

After you have set up your diet plan and you feel comfortable with that then move on to your fitness plan. You need to work out 4-5 times each week in order to burn the calories needed to lose weight. This means you can do a series of walking, jogging and weight lifting exercises right at home! You do not have to join an expensive gym in order to lose weight and feel great!

Using a notebook to create a place for all of your weight loss plan goals and thoughts is a great way to stay on the right track. Write down and organize your weight loss goals and timeline so that you can easily follow every step along the way. You should also record any thoughts or daily feelings that stick out to you. This will help you become in tune with your mind and your body.

Once a week make sure that you hop on that scale for a weekly weigh in. This should also be taken down in your notebook each week so that you can see the progress you are making. If you are not losing what you are aiming for, then step up your exercise plan and burn more calories and fat.

Getting back in shape holds a lot of great benefits that you will need to in order to live a longer life. The proper weight loss plan created by only you and these great tools and resources will help you see those smashing results. Start today so that you can start burning calories and feeling great.

One of the aspects that you might want to change within your daily routine is your weight. Often times people are looking for a magic way to slim down when in reality, the only thing that will get the job done is an effective weight loss plan or easy program.

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5 Most Effective Tips to Weight Loss

By Richard P Koh

Weight loss is at times considered a bad indicator of health. This is the case where some diseases that prevent appropriate metabolism attacks. These include diabetes, cancer and HIV virus among others. However, there are times when weight loss is desired due to the obese status of the individual.

Some of the challenges associated with being overweight include obesity, poor breathing, diabetes, may contribute to asthma among others. Overly low weight would lead to maternal challenges for women when expecting. It may lead to birth of underweight child who is more prone to infections due to the poor formation of the immune system. It also affects production of some cells such as red blood cells. This is partly because of reduced availability of amino acids for body building.

Generally, there are more challenges associated with poor healthy among those who are overweight as compared to those with underweight. However, both conditions of over or under weight are not desirable and should be avoided.

The tips provided herein are meant to help you get to the acceptable weight of body mass. This is in relation to age and height.

1. Exercises: this is a common way of controlling weight gain or loss. There are exercises that would to contribute to muscle gain and those that contribute to fat loss or again.

2. Diet: the most effective diet is one that is full of whole meal carbohydrates and less of meat and bear. Carbohydrates are the precursors to glucose that is utilized by the muscles and all other body organs for energy. Excess of it is stored in the cells of the adipose tissue and this is what leads to being a heavy bodied person. The only safe carbohydrate is the whole grain which would not be converted into glucose molecule immediately. Instead, it is released in short periods.

3. Alternative medicine: this includes the use of herbal medications and other non-scientific methods such as dahn yoga. Some of these may even be exactly what the modern science teachers but differ in the manner in which it is done.

4. Positive mindset: this may sound farfetched, but the most important ingredient for weight loss is the mind. We are what we think others think we are.The benefit of having a positive mindset is that you will be able to take on the more disciplined training exercises that must be done daily to improve the body shape. Most people tell themselves that they can't do it and this is what it turns out to be. Therefore a positive mind is essential for successful weight loss program.

5. Take lots of water during exercises: water is medium for function of mast often body processes. Therefore, adequate supply of water contributes to weight loss due to the improved function of the cells including the skin, kidney.

Again, if you are not sure of which method would be most effective, then it is best to seek advice from your physician.

Do you want to find out a top fat loss secret that can help you lose weight fast? Then please visit best way to lose weight.

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